G.D.Construction & Co.
Unit No. ANO611, Plot No. 2C/1, AA-IIC
Kolkata, West Bengal 700156
Intake Jetty cum Jetty mounted Pumping Station at Botanical Garden
Name of Work: Detail design, drawing,construction, erection & commissioning of Raw water Intake Jetty with Jetty Mounted Pump house, Sub-StationBuilding, Raw Water Rising Main at Botanical Garden for Padmapukur Water Treatment plant Howrah of HMC on Turnkey Basis.
Department : KMDA
Intake Jetty cum Jetty mounted Pumping Station at Salkia
Name of Work: Detail design, drawing,construction, erection & commissioning of 15 MGD capacity Fixed type RC Raw water Intake Jetty with Jetty Mounted Pump house, Sub-Station Building, Raw Water Rising Main for Proposed Water Treatment plant at Salkia of HMC area on Turnkey basis.
Department : KMDA
Intake Jetty cum Jetty mounted Pumping Station at Panihati
Name of Work: Design &Construction (Civil Work) Raw water Intake Jetty on R.C.C.Piles including JettyMounted Pump House,Sub-Station Buildingand Raw water Rising Main in Hoogly river at Panihati for the proposed 10 MGD Water Treatment Plant in North Dum Dum Municipal area.
Department : KMDA
1.25 MG capacity UGR at Belgachia, Howrah
Name of Work:Civil work including detail design, drawing,construction, erection & commissioning of 1.25MG Capacity Underground Reservoir cumBooster Pumping Station and ElectricalSubstation Building at Belgachia, Howrah on Turnkey Basis.
Department : KMDA
Sub-Station Building and allied works at AA-IIIB, New Town
Name of Work:Construction of Electrical Sub-StationBuilding, Inlet channel and chamber, deliveryM.S. pumping main and other alliedworks for Drainage Pumping Station IIIB under NTK Project.
Department : P.H.E. (NTK W/S Division-II)
Sub-Station Building and allied works at AA-IIF, New Town
Name of Work:Construction of Sub-Station Building, Surface drain and pavers block pathway and gardening & beautification for intermediate pumping station in AA-IIF under New Town Kolkata Project.
Department : P.H.E. (NTK W/S Division-II)
Mougram Pipeline and OHR Augmentation
Name of Work:Augmentation of MOUGRAM (ZONE-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme with LDS, FHTC, & Construction of 300 cum capacity OHR with 20.0 mtr. Staging height inclusive of soil investigation under Ketugram-ll Block, District: - Purba-Burdwan
Department : P.H.E. (Burdwan Division)
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G.D.Construction & Co.
All rights reserved.
G.D.Construction & Co.
Unit No. ANO611, Plot No. 2C/1, AA-IIC
Kolkata, West Bengal 700156